STM32F401/411 black pill development board

An upgraded blue pill

Similar form factor to the blue pill boards. However this board is much more powerful and of a much better build quality.


  • STM32F401CE / STM32F411CE in LQFP48 package
  • ARM® 32-bit Cortex®-M4 CPU with floating point unit
  • CPU frequency: 84 MHz / 100 MHz
  • Flash: 512 KB
  • SRAM: 64 KB / 96 KB / 128 KB

Product specifications

Reference manuals


Pinout black pill
Pinout black pill

Comparing blue pill and black pill variants

STM32F103C8 STM32F401CC STM32F401CE STM32F411CE
ARM Cortex M3 M4F M4F M4F
CPU frequency 72 Mhz 84 Mhz 84 Mhz 100 Mhz
Flash 64 KB 256 KB 512 KB 512 KB
SRAM 20 KB 64 KB 96 KB 128 KB